Sunday, 8 September 2013

Jar of Hearts...

Jar of Hearts...
A month of break-ups. Wonder why I mentioned this?

4 break-ups that I heard this month, what happened really? Month of August is always the month where break-ups begin to appear. It is a moody, blue month, where everyone gets frustrated, restless and wants a shoulder to lean on. However, this is the time when you realize that you are either alone or your other one is not there for you. The anxiousness, ambiguity and anxiety overrides those happy moments.

Where were the lovely feelings that were instilled in the hearts initially? Why, did the Jar of Hearts become empty? Nevertheless, pick yourself up from wherever you fall from, for life goes on even after shit happens.

Grey background portrays much loneliness and emptiness. Notice that hearts lollipops are placed into the Jar, however, Jar is still empty inside. Many may still express the brighter side of them to the people around them, but I know and can see that deep inside somewhere it is empty. However, believe that one day, it will be filled back with colors again. :D

Jar is drawn with shadowed base to form 3D form, with reflective finish of Jar. Pink ribbon illuminated with tone variations and slight shading on hearts to form lollipops.