Monday, 2 December 2013

Infinity Friend

A Portrait of my Friend, an 'Infinity' Friend...

Truthfully, its my first time trying to draw a portrait of my friend. Not so successful, this may be my first and last. I should try a cartoon one next time. Notice that the background is also drawn stroke by stroke, each hair drawn individually. Portrait drawn on a grainy texture background. I am just trying out new stuff. I will continue to learn to draw and explore other forms of art soon.:)

Do look forward!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Sugar Cube

Disclaimer: Sugar cube drawing may not be the sugar cube that you are searching for in Google, but this photo appeared. First intention of drawing this was to present it as a sugar cube, just that it didn't appeared to be what I wanted.

Sugar Cube

Sugar Cube drawing with words written is actually drawn for my friend for a secret agenda. However, sugar cube is just some draft drawing, which won't be used. So, sugar cube is here, showcased in my art gallery.:) 

The sugar cubes are drawn with letters e-i-e-n for a reason too. Sugar cube is meant to be white, or to say is non-pure white, but I couldn't really manage to get that colour right and it sort of got grey-ish. Rather to call it a sugar cube, I would prefer you think of it as an isometric geometry that I managed to capture on 2-D plane, with purposeful location of lighting at top left corner, shading at corners, and having darker surfaces where light don't shine directly on.

Just in case you are wondering, how this and some of my previous blogged posts drawings come about. I draw these drawings using an online software called 'plixlr' to draw these using my mouse. Just my mouse and hours of concentration on the screen. No fanciful editing or using of special effects. If you are interested to draw, try it out too! Have fun!:)

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Jar of Hearts...

Jar of Hearts...
A month of break-ups. Wonder why I mentioned this?

4 break-ups that I heard this month, what happened really? Month of August is always the month where break-ups begin to appear. It is a moody, blue month, where everyone gets frustrated, restless and wants a shoulder to lean on. However, this is the time when you realize that you are either alone or your other one is not there for you. The anxiousness, ambiguity and anxiety overrides those happy moments.

Where were the lovely feelings that were instilled in the hearts initially? Why, did the Jar of Hearts become empty? Nevertheless, pick yourself up from wherever you fall from, for life goes on even after shit happens.

Grey background portrays much loneliness and emptiness. Notice that hearts lollipops are placed into the Jar, however, Jar is still empty inside. Many may still express the brighter side of them to the people around them, but I know and can see that deep inside somewhere it is empty. However, believe that one day, it will be filled back with colors again. :D

Jar is drawn with shadowed base to form 3D form, with reflective finish of Jar. Pink ribbon illuminated with tone variations and slight shading on hearts to form lollipops.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Mrt Rides...

Panda World...

My favourite animal. Yes, panda! So cute that you can't resist. I always say panda represents me, my dark circles. Haha. I love the way they move, I love the way they munch on bamboo and the way they move around, so relaxing.

But what about that picture that I drew above? It shows something more about what I like, train rides. I love taking trains to observe people, even though at time I would complain how slow the train moves when I am in a rush, but most of the time I enjoy it. So this is what I did, I imagine something during my train ride and this popped up!:) There are alot more weird ideas I have, but I have not really pinned them down in my drawings.

Notice that I drew it in black and white? I think that can further bring out the contrast but also make you find a blend of my drawing into a real mrt train cabin. Life is never full of colours, but neither it is always black and white and we just got to find a balance and blend in to that. 

I have changed the silver metallic poles to bamboo shoots and editted the adverts above my panda. The advert inspiration came from the hair advert opposite. People will never find satisfaction in life, always wanting to become someone better. So I hope one day everyone will find happiness from within themselves, not only from external factors.
With that I shall end my short post. Hope you appreciate the drawing and thanks for dropping by my blog!:)

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Firing my life...

Firing up my life...

Drew this when I felt like life is like fire. At times, when you feel like it burns so wildly without control. However, when tears fall, fire dims out and smoke fills up the entire space in your heart, choking you so much that you felt so terrible.

An additional touch of wind, swirls up the fire in all directions like when something affects us in our life and it seems that for a moment our lives go so wrong and messy.

When wood is added and fire burns consistently or even stronger, like when something nice turns up in our lifes creating rainbows in our minds, making us stand strong against whatever odds.

Always telling myself, Rachie is Titanium and I won't fall. However, I fell more than once, again and again and I knew I will always stand up again...I just need someone to ignite and let it continue to fire.

Monday, 1 April 2013

For this friend of mine...

For this Friend of mine...

She knows quite abit of my secrets. She knows how I feel sometimes, she does know me quite well too.
I knew her through uni times, through my lost friend. She is my new found friend:)

Surprisingly, she is  now my colleague as well as volunteer mates. We stick around quite often because of our common friends, whom I feel glad because they are around to help me up when I was down. 

Those huge balloons that are hooked to that house is like a movie 'UP!' and yes, her favorite movie is  'UP!' if I am not wrong, so I chose to draw her this. However, there were a few dis satisfactions in this drawing due to the unrealistic balloons that were drawn to the house using the metal strings. However, I love the lively colors that were added and the touches with the white clouds in the background, giving the spongy effect! Overall, I feel sadness in the liveliness, loneliness in  wide space. Do you?

More to come, I hope soon:) 

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Stir Shit...

Stir Shit...

Truthfully, I really didn't know how to draw the pot and the colours sort of got mis-matched. I only like those little purple spots in this drawing.

Anyway, 'Stir Shit' is a common term among NTU friends used when we try to create love rumors from nowhere between or among our friends. It is funny how we talk about it. We just love to disturb one another, which somehow brings us closer as we laugh along with the jokes and never gets offended because we are friends.

However, the fun comes when you realize that because you always 'stir shit', shit always comes back to you. Haha. Have fun stirring shit, but remember to target only friends whom you are close with and will not get angry with you:)

Saturday, 16 February 2013



This Doraemon is drawn for my friend Sherlin. I thought of drawing this for when I remembered she always draw pandas for me during my Uni life, so I decided to draw something for her too. 

This Doraemon is drawn with reference to a 3D figurine. I couldn't draw this from my imagination. The bright blue is chosen to make the Doraemon look brighter and happier. However, the shading wasn't as well done and the Doraemon was slighty distorted. I just felt satisfied finishing it, because cartoon characters are hard to draw, because I cannot make changes to it and draw according to my imagination.

Look forward to my new drawing then:)

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

A lost friend...

A Friend (no more)
In year 2012, I may have made a decision and that actually caused me to lose a very good friend. I believe till today he will still be angry or felt weird why I made that decision. However, I knew the friendship was strained and reaching an end. I could see too much changes going on, that I did not want to explain further. Today, I still treat him as a friend. However, I need to know that he is only a friend in my heart and will receive my blessings and I know we can't be contacting each other like last time anymore. This is a furry teddy bear given by him and drawn when I was still pretty much close to him

A panda camouflaged in monkey skin. Blurred the edges of the teddy bear to give it a furry texture. Multiple coats of different shades of color to form the brown skin and bottom of legs, as well as the ears and top part of head. Bright lemon-yellow colored banana to contrast with dark skin color.