Panda World...
My favourite animal. Yes, panda! So cute that you can't resist. I always say panda represents me, my dark circles. Haha. I love the way they move, I love the way they munch on bamboo and the way they move around, so relaxing.
But what about that picture that I drew above? It shows something more about what I like, train rides. I love taking trains to observe people, even though at time I would complain how slow the train moves when I am in a rush, but most of the time I enjoy it. So this is what I did, I imagine something during my train ride and this popped up!:) There are alot more weird ideas I have, but I have not really pinned them down in my drawings.
Notice that I drew it in black and white? I think that can further bring out the contrast but also make you find a blend of my drawing into a real mrt train cabin. Life is never full of colours, but neither it is always black and white and we just got to find a balance and blend in to that.
I have changed the silver metallic poles to bamboo shoots and editted the adverts above my panda. The advert inspiration came from the hair advert opposite. People will never find satisfaction in life, always wanting to become someone better. So I hope one day everyone will find happiness from within themselves, not only from external factors.
With that I shall end my short post. Hope you appreciate the drawing and thanks for dropping by my blog!:)
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