Friday 3 January 2014

Train Logo Design

Train Logo
This drawings was drawn to file in for a competition. However, it was later modified further for submission for competition. Thus, I can post this draft version online for fun!:)

Design portrays a train moving out from a tunnel. It looks like a rocket though and my colleague commented that it looked like a door stopper. Haha.

Cheers to the New Year of 2014 and may your year ahead be as smooth as the travelling train!:)

1 comment:

  1. Wow...looks simple yet memorable.. :) If I were to make modifications to it, I wouldn't join the tail since your tunnel is also not a full circle, so that it won't look like a door stopper.. :p Maybe add some windows cause the train has windows.. :) Lastly, maybe change the colour scheme a little cause its seems so blue.. Kinda makes me wonder what modifications you made and what the final version looks like! hehe..

    I guess it must be a competition within LTA that's why its related to trains.. :) Hope you win the competition! :) 頑張って!
