Friday, 22 July 2016

1 month post jaw surgery op...

Yep, officially 1 month and 2 days post op already:)


Swelling: My face is still swollen! Ahhh... and its only a week away from gg back to work. My right swollen cheek and upper lip makes me feel irritated.

Pain: Almost none, except for the occasional pain of biting on my own swollen cheeks (1/10)

Numbness: Regained sensation in most areas of cheeks and chin, except for the lower left side of my chin. (6/10)

Speaking ability: I can speak now, but because my mouth cannot open big enough to pronounce properly, I look like I am always biting on something when speaking.

Eating: I am still on soft food diet, able to take porridge, blends, yoghurt, ice cream and mee sua! I satisfied one craving already, Tom Yam Mee Sua Feeding on spoon and fork only. I can drink from the cup already, so I am using less straws now.

So yep, a rough update about my recovery. Well, overall its still doing good, and I am pretty much happy with my face shape and bite now.

Thinking back on the day before the op....omg, so much have happened. Ok, my next post will be on what actually happened the day before and the op day.

Ciao for now

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