Wednesday, 6 July 2016

16 days post Jaw Operation...

Yes, its been 16 days post op already, time flies.

Still shuddering at the thought of the first night after op. Wells, its over. Whew.

So what happened since post op day 4 till now? I got my elastics removed on 4th July 2016!!! Basically, the zig-zag configuration of the elastic bands were removed so that I can now practice moving my jaw. Another good news is, I have graduated from drinking from the syringe to using straws. Now that I can move my jaw slightly, I can open my mouth to eat mashed potatoes, eat porridge and also drank AVOCADO Juice! Slurps!

So much have improved over the short week, but what concerns me now is my bite. Recently, I tried to move my tongue around in my mouth and realized that some of my molar were still not biting, not touching. This freaked me out! I done a huge op just to correct my jaw, I am so afraid that the op did not put my jaws in the correct place! :O This coming Monday I would be meeting my surgeon again and would be asking him about it.

Well, other that than the panicky stuff that I just shared, my swelling have subsided much. Though some swelling came back after my appointment with the surgeon when he tried to remove my elastics, it did hurt quite abit. Putting ice pack over my face often, hoping that it helps with the swelling. Its gg to be less than a month that I would be thrown back to the society and working world again, so I need to recover real fast.

Another thing that I would like to share, I have not been out of home since my op, other than my appointments at the hospitals with my surgeon and dietitian. Talking about dietitian, I think I gained about 1.5 kg since my last post. Hopefully, I can pass my weight exam coming Monday. I would be gg out for the first time in 2 plus weeks to NUS for my sister's convocation! Whee, finally going to get out and meet the world...

Well, in my next post. I will start to share photos of my op and my recover process. Stay tuned.


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