Wednesday 12 December 2012


This is actually drawn for my friend who is studying in Japan. She is there to study for a year and I decided to draw this before she left Singapore as a present. This sushi is actually drawn with reference to a sushi from Ichiban Sushi Restaurant. It was actually rice covered with a layer of cheese, wrapped over seaweed with egg, cucumber and fish roe. Delicious. Hope my friend is enjoying her sushi meals in Japan. 

Burnt yellow for the cheese of the sushi, decorated with seaweed of dull green. Drawing each rice beads with pale yellow, beige and geen. Gradients of orange for the roe, gradual gradients for the yellow egg and then the cucumber. A Japanese styled plate for the background to distinguish the sushi from the background colour. Love the rice though, because of the effort drawing one by one:)

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